ability per se, but just what percentage of it can presently be accessed without vocalization. A low score simply means that more practice will be necessary. This is just to give you an idea of where you are. Shall we?” He pointed his wand at himself. “I have cast the measuring spell; now I will do a test.” He pointed again, and this time a Black Cat Today’s Mood Cranky With A Touch Of Psycho Shirt gold number 100 showed up in the air next to him. The students applauded. Neville stepped up.
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“79. Quite excellent, Neville, it is obvious that it will go much higher before long,” said Dumbledore as Neville stepped back, clearly very pleased. Parvati stepped up; “60″ flashed in the air. Ernie took a turn, and got 64. He looked distressed not to Black Cat Today’s Mood Cranky With A Touch Of Psycho Shirt have done as well as Neville. Seamus was next, with 54, followed by Dean, with 58. Justin scored 69, then Lavender a 52. Hermione took a turn, and was rewarded with an 85. She grinned proudly as she stepped back. Ron took his turn, and got 85 as well, as well as a few gasps from the class, who hadn’t gasped for Hermione, accustomed as they were to her getting the best score on everything. Ron looked quite satisfied to have done as well as Hermione. Harry stepped forward, intently focused. He pointed at Dumbledore, next to whom a gold 100 suddenly lit up. There was a huge gasp; Dumbledore’s eyebrows rose. • 320 • Harry was quite startled himself. He was feeling very confident, but not quite that confident. He glanced at his shoulder, and a thought occurred. “Sir… is that because of Fawkes? You said that phoenixes have a calming effect, and they help you focus. What we’re doing is pretty much trying to focus, right?” “I cannot say for
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certain whether Fawkes had anything to do with your score, though it is entirely possible that he did. But since he has only been with you for about five hours, I would be surprised if he had a dramatic effect. “But keep this in mind, Harry: Fawkes or no Fawkes, what that score means is that at the very least, you have the potential to score 100 in the future even if you have not been around Fawkes for a while. You will reach a point when the only reason to vocalize your spells is to Black Cat Today’s Mood Cranky With A Touch Of Psycho Shirtlet others know what you have done. This is a unique situation; no wizard has ever been bonded to a phoenix at such a young age that they were taking this test for the first time.” “So, if I took the test after I hadn’t been around Fawkes for a few days, my score might be lower.” “Indeed it might, Harry.” “I know you don’t know, but if you had to guess… how would I have done?” “My guess is that Fawkes is affecting your score, but I would be
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