I didn’t even do it on purpose the first time. It was just one of those “lick the spoon” moments that just happened when my brain was on autopilot. It smelled good and was in the Funny Happy Father’s Day To My Amazing Step-Dad Thanks For Putting Up With My Mom Shirt. It’s basically alcohol that you let vanilla beans sit-in until they are infused. It basically tastes like vanilla-scented Everclear but harsher. It’s alcohol but not made to be drunk. There is also vanilla substitute – it smells like vanilla, but it has the worst taste. Super bitter with bitterness lingering for a very long time, like half an hour of super bitter taste in your mouth. Unrelated to vanilla, but my dad used to work at a convenience store back in the 80s.
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There was one lady who would come in and buy a bottle or two of Listerine almost every day. She reeked of the stuff, so he says it wasn’t hard to piece together that she was drinking it. He also had a customer who would come in, buy a candy bar, leave the store, eat the candy bar outside, and come back into the Funny Happy Father’s Day To My Amazing Step-Dad Thanks For Putting Up With My Mom Shirt. He’d repeat that a few times and then leave. It was getting close to night time. And my dad and his boss noticed this guy lurking around outside. They thought he was psyching himself up to come to rob the place, so they called the cops.
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The police came, talked to the guy, and ended up putting him into the squad car. He was sent to the planet to explore and was waiting on Scotty to beam him back up. Most of the Funny Happy Father’s Day To My Amazing Step-Dad Thanks For Putting Up With My Mom Shirt. Castor sacs were used in 1900 for perfume and as food additives, but now the annual industry consumption is very low, around 300 pounds, whereas vanillin is over 2.6 million pounds annually. When my mom was a kid little old ladies kept bottles of vanilla extract in their purses. But you might have some shitty experiences while you’re figuring that out. Or maybe group sex used to be fun with your old partner, but with your new one, it doesn’t feel right. We’re constantly changing and often hurt ourselves in the process.
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