rather deal with the Cruciatus Curse.” “I have had the same thought, Harry. At least that affects only the one person. No doubt that is why you felt this way about Hermione; you thought it was only yourself you were placing in danger. For someone like you, that seems ideal. But, unfortunately, life does not work that way.” “I guess not, sir. I do want to I Don’t Pretend To Be Something I’m Not Shirt thank you for what you said. It may not be some easy solution,
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but knowing there is no easy solution is helpful too. I can get used to the idea that I’ll just have to deal with this. “But this topic reminds me of something else I wanted to ask you about–” He was interrupted by knocking on the door, which opened to reveal Snape and McGonagall, who entered. “Yes, Severus, Minerva, I’m sorry not to be ready for you. Harry came to see me, and Hugo waylaid us a bit. By the time Harry got to what he wanted to talk to me about, quite a bit of time had passed.” “I understand, Headmaster,” McGonagall said. Turning to I Don’t Pretend To Be Something I’m Not Shirt Harry, she said, “I assume your look of distress is for Hermione.” Harry’s eyebrows rose. “Is it that obvious?” “I have seen a very similar look on Professor Dumbledore’s face on more occasions than I would care to recall. I sympathize with you, Harry, but as the headmaster has undoubtedly told you…” “…there’s nothing for it, yes. Not what I wanted to hear, but it is something to work with, anyway. I’m glad that what I’m feeling is normal, that I’m not alone in feeling this way.”
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• 376 • “Indeed not, Harry. If the professors do not mind, and you do not, perhaps you can ask what you were going to when they entered.” McGonagall and Snape made no objection. “Yes, sir… I was wondering, in both the dreams, Voldemort has made all kinds of threats against me, which, especially in the one this morning, are almost laughable. For myself, I have nothing to I Don’t Pretend To Be Something I’m Not Shirt I Don’t Pretend To Be Something I’m Not Shirt lose, and he should know that. But if he wants to threaten me, he couldn’t do it more effectively than by threatening people close to me. Why hasn’t he done that? It seems so obvious.” “One would think so, Harry.
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