The treatment Faramir Nice I’m A Proud Sister Of A Wonderful Sweet And Awesome Sister Shirt got still irks me. He was such a good character, and he turned into walking daddy issues. Then again, almost all the side characters in Two Towers got treated harshly. Even the ents suffered, not caring until the destruction was seen first hand. I learned not long ago that they make shorter versions for theatres. So they can play it more times and therefore make more money out of i. I think equally as important is there’s a finite amount of time the general audience will devote to watching a movie.
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When I saw RotK in theaters, they ran the Nice I’m A Proud Sister Of A Wonderful Sweet And Awesome Sister Shirts extended editions of both Fellowship and Two Towers beforehand. Close to 11 hours at a theater but it was fun anyway. I once participated in a special event where they showed the extended editions, including Peter Jackson interviews before the movie, in a theater on successive Tuesdays, three weeks in a row. So not exactly all 3 at once, but one a week for three weeks was still extremely awesome. But let’s be honest before we knew it was gonna be such a badass movie wouldn’t most people just go “4 hours for a fucking movie?! No thanks”Yes, that’s partly why theatrical cuts exist.
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