The lower floor apartments and a few levels above the highway due to the risk of a flying vehicle or tire roaring through a wall or window. That’s what I think everyone is missing. I wouldn’t even want to breathe the Nice On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Vintage Shirt. Look, buddy, my ancestors worshipped this bridge and so did theirs before them, I ain’t about to give up my beliefs cuz of some anti-bridger, you have no evidence that the bridge is not omnipresent. I saw two highly educated people fight in that museum. Not sure what they were disagreeing on but they were taking notes with colleagues and explaining things to younger people. Then all of a sudden one was yelling and the other grabbed a fucking staff out of a pile like a goddamned broadsword.
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I imagine it pretty much like the planet Taris from Knights of the Old Republic. The people under the highway being the lower city and the undercity below the foundation where the ghouls, I mean mummies live. I was trying to figure out if it would be better to live above the road or under. Imagine all the cigarette butts and fast food garbage going straight from their cars to your living room. The Nice On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Vintage Shirt. Which in-turn collapses onto the road below, the impact of which is one too many for the neighboring apartment building to withstand.
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