My first job was as a projectionist for an independent exhibitor and out of all the fucked up shit I ever saw in the better part of a decade of showing weird independent/foreign movies, Švankmajer’s stuff ranks right near the top. Along with Gaspar Noé’s Irréversible in the disturbing nightmare, fever, dream department. It’s assuredly that and also quite the Official Stay Home And Spoil My Grandkids Beer Shirt. Captivating yet extremely unsettling. I don’t know much about the creator except. That his works deserve to exist and I enjoyed a decent portion of it. As a dad who spent years of my daughter genuinely worried the Elf on the Shelf was dead. Because I forgot to move her overnight, I warn you to calculate just how long it will take them to “finally figure it out”, before you think “it will be fun.”
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You should also check out the Chicago museum of art where they have the greatest collection of miniature rooms like this of rooms throughout history. It’s one of the Official Stay Home And Spoil My Grandkids Beer Shirt I’ve ever seen. How do you jump from ‘the universe as we currently experience? It had a beginning’ to there must be an all-powerful sky wizard that made it? To quote Prof Hawkins; “Events before the Big Bang are simply not defined. Because there’s no way one could measure what happened at them. Since events before the Big Bang have no observational consequences, one may as well cut them out of the theory, and say that time began at the Big Bang.” for Prof Hawkins full lecture, enjoy a read HERE Many people hoped that quantum effects.
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Which would somehow smooth out the singularity of infinite density, and allow the universe to bounce, and continue back to a previous contracting phase? This would be rather like the Official Stay Home And Spoil My Grandkids Beer Shirt. But the bounce would occur at a much higher density. However, I think that this is not what happens: quantum effects do not remove the singularity and allow time to be continued back indefinitely. So it seems that quantum effects can remove the most objectionable feature, of singularities in classical General Relativity. This is that the classical theory does not enable one to calculate what would come out of a singularity, because all the Laws of Physics would break down there. This would mean that science could not predict.
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