best way to support me. Keep doing that.” “Wish I could jus’ give yeh money instead,” Hagrid muttered. Harry chuckled. They talked for a Peace Love Choose Life Mickey Mouse Shirt while about recent events. Then Hagrid said, “Yeh know, Harry, I’ve been proud of yeh for a lot o’ things since yeh’ve been here. But Fawkes choosin’ yeh, that’s one o’ the big ones. Tell yeh what I think, I think he was used ter Dumbledore, and chose yeh because yeh have the same qualities Dumbledore does
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, or yeh have the potential ter.” Harry was touched. “Thanks, Hagrid. I don’t know if you could think of any nicer thing to say about me than that.” “Well, I should be off,” Hagrid said roughly. “Time ter go see Grawpy.” “Oh, yeah, how’s he doing?” • 385 • “He’s fine, fine, vocabulary’s comin’ along. Still gets a mite impatient now an’ then, but doin’ better. Don’ need ter tie him down any more, that was a big step. I’d invite yeh ter come see him, but I know yeh’re really busy.” Harry was certainly glad for the excuse; he had a feeling that Hagrid said ‘gets a Peace Love Choose Life Mickey Mouse Shirt mite impatient’ where others would say ‘throws a fit.’ He really did want to see Grawp again, but preferred to at such a time when he didn’t feel in danger of being accidentally crushed. Harry bade Hagrid goodbye, and headed back to the castle. Hermione got up in mid-afternoon, feeling much better
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she petted Fawkes and thanked him as soon as she saw him. Ron joined them for some Transfigurations practice and homework, and then Harry and Hermione worked on Potions for a while. Harry was not going to enormous effort to keep up with his homework in most classes–he knew his teachers would excuse it while his crisis with Voldemort continued–but he was determined not to lose a Peace Love Choose Life Mickey Mouse Shirt step in Potions. Harry didn’t assume Snape’s tolerant attitude would last, and so took nothing for granted. Later in the afternoon, Hugo visited Gryffindor Tower to interview Ron, Ginny, and Hermione, before doing his final
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