all that. I’d like to Perfect Computer Science Python Programmer Shirt hear the rest sometime.” “No problem.” “Oh, and don’t forget the Snackbox.” Dudley was smiling at his own joke. Harry laughed. “I’ll get it, but after that, you’ll have to not forget for me. Bye.” Dudley said “Later,” as Harry shouted “The Burrow!” and stepped into the fire. Harry walked out of the Burrow’s fireplace and was met by the whole group: Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione.
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They all greeted him with variations on ‘Hello, Harry,’ except for Mrs. Weasley, who said, “Hello, Professor,” and rubbed his head in greeting. Ron rolled his eyes. “Do you have to Perfect Computer Science Python Programmer Shirt call him that every time you see him, Mum? Can’t you see it embarrasses him?” Mrs. Weasley’s tone suggested that that was the most absurd notion she’d ever heard. “Does that embarrass you, Harry, dear?” Harry smiled. “Well, a bit, yeah,” he admitted. “But I know that’s not why you’re doing it,” he hastily added. • 164 • “You know we’re all proud of you, Harry,” said Mr. Weasley. Ginny and Hermione ostentatiously agreed. “Yes, we know that Mum’s mentioned it to him a dozen times or so,” said Ron. “Well, I’ll stop doing it if Harry asks me to,” sniffed Mrs. Weasley. Harry turned to her. “Mrs. Weasley, didn’t you say once that you considered me as part of the family?” “Of course, Harry, dear! You know that!” She looked concerned at the thought that he even needed to ask that it be confirmed. “Well,” said Harry, deadpan, “it seems to me that if I were a member of the family, you’d just say, ‘I’ll tell him as many times as I like, and I don’t care if it embarrasses him.’” Hermione and the Weasleys burst out laughing, even Mrs. Weasley. Ginny said, “Well, it’s obvious that he’s spent enough time here to know how things work.” Everyone was ready
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, and one by one they stepped into the fireplace, shouting “Diagon Alley!” They made sure everyone was accounted for before setting out. After a stop at Gringotts to Perfect Computer Science Python Programmer Shirt pick up some gold, Mrs. Weasley suggested that they go to Flourish & Blotts to get the year’s books before doing anything else. Harry had brought his booklist, but it was going to be very easy. Sixth and seventh years only needed one book for each class, and it was always the same one. The title was, ‘The Standard N.E.W.T. Guide to…” followed by the course name. He would only need five books, Ron eight, and Hermione, ten. “How did you decide which books we were going to use, Harry?” Ginny asked. “I didn’t, really,” he answered. “I asked Dumbledore and McGonagall to choose the books for me. They’re really
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