My mom gave up custody of me to the state when I was 16 because she was an incompetent parent. So they put me in an all-girls “placement center”, which is basically just jail but you get to wear your own clothes. I was there for a year and she dumped my cat at a shelter and didn’t tell me. She had a cat of her own already, they got along just fine. She just did it to hurt me. There are many things I’ll never forgive my mother for, and that’s definitely one of them. I’m sorry you had to go through it. I had my parents watch my cat during my first year in college because I couldn’t have her in my dorm. Two months from me bringing her up to live with me and the Premium Got Christ Heart Vintage Shirt. They’ve been bad before, but my heart is broken now. Here is a text exchange
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I’m surprised you talked to her after she gave you up when you were 16. Sounds like a vile human and I’m glad you don’t have to deal with her shit anymore. She doesn’t have a mother and she never had a mother, she has a progenitor. Some of us are lucky enough to have progenitors the Premium Got Christ Heart Vintage Shirt. It’s terribly sad, but accepting that helps with the healing. My grandma is a clean freak. My mom played with it every day and adored it. One day she came home though, and they had given it away. Grandma said they didn’t think she cared about it that much. Which, IDK, maybe they weren’t paying attention to my mom because I guarantee she was obsessed with it.
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I know how much she loves animals and has a little painting of her pup the Premium Got Christ Heart Vintage Shirt. I’ve always had problems with my parents. My dad was emotionally abusive and my mom, although not abusive, always covered for him. I went to the high school that my mom taught at, and I told her that I was going to speak to the school counselor about what I was going through. My mother wouldn’t let me because “I work there and it would make me look bad”. In one of my father’s rare nice moments, he agreed to let me adopt a cat, under the terms that I would take care of her. I was 16. I took care of the cat, and the cat was my only friend when shit hit the fan at home, I often cried with the cat. As soon as I graduated high school I decided to get the hell out.
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