only for reference, anyway. Dumbledore advised me not to teach from the book. For the fifth years, I may teach somewhat • 165 • with O.W.L.s in mind, but in general, I’m going to Premium My Son In Heaven Shirt try to teach people what they need to know to survive a dangerous situation.” “Good idea, Harry,” said Ron, smiling. “Stick with your expertise.” Harry smiled back, but Mrs. Weasley gave Ron a that’s-not-funny look. Harry, Ron, and Hermione purchased their books and waited for Ginny
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, whose books weren’t so easy to find, having different titles. After she finished, Mrs. Weasley asked everyone to bind up their books and give them to her. “Hey, let’s go to Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes,” suggested Harry. “I’ve really been looking forward to Premium My Son In Heaven Shirt seeing their place.” “You go on ahead, dears,” said Mrs. Weasley. “Arthur and I are going to try out that new restaurant at the end of the street. We’ll find you when we’re done.” The Weasleys said goodbye and walked in the other direction. Harry looked at the others in puzzlement. “Was that because they’re hungry, or do they not want to see the shop?” “They’ve seen the shop already,” Ginny explained, “and according to Fred and George, Mum can’t manage to say anything nice about it. I think Mum doesn’t want to risk a row with all of us there.” “
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That’s too bad,” said Harry. “I’m still glad I gave them the money, though. So, where is it exactly?” Ron and Ginny had been there before and led the way. “Are they still doing well?” Hermione asked. “Those were pretty wild dragon hide jackets they were wearing at King’s Cross in June.” “Yeah, still doing well, especially since then–as the school’s out, there are more young customers,” said Ron. “And Mum wasn’t especially impressed with the jackets, either.” Harry shook his head in wonder. Why couldn’t Mrs. Weasley, normally a kind person, be happy that her sons were doing what they were happy doing, and making quite a Premium My Son In Heaven Shirt good living at it as well? As they entered the shop, Harry saw some items in the front window that he’d seen at Hogwarts, and a couple of posters which advertised products, except • 166 • that the people and things in these posters moved, of course. One poster repeatedly showed a student taking a Nosebleed Nougat, being excused from class, and relaxing outside in the sunshine under a tree. The other, larger poster displayed images of the Weasley’s Wildfire Whiz-bangs, the fireworks that Fred and George had used to such great effect on Dolores Umbridge’s first day of her short reign as Hogwarts’ Headmistress. Fred was behind the counter, and his face lit up when he saw the four of them. “Hey, George, get out here,” he shouted. To them, he said, “
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