mean a fair bit of extra business for the shop.” “That’s true,” agreed Fred. “We have gotten a lot of business over the summer from Hogwarts students, and they often mention our little rebellion. So that worked out well. Still, it would have been great to Top Deadpool Maximum Effort Shirt take classes from Dumbledore.” “Yeah, we’re really looking forward to it,” said Ron. “We should really be moving on,” suggested Ginny. They had been at the Weasley’ shop for over a half-hour. “I suppose so,” agreed Ron.
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“I really am glad to see you two doing so well,” said Hermione to Fred and George. “It was good to see you again, and I’ll be sure to Top Deadpool Maximum Effort Shirt pop in whenever I’m in Diagon Alley.” “See that you do,” urged Fred. “And Harry, congratulations. Not that I envy what you’ll be doing, but better than the prestige or the job itself is the fact that it means that Dumbledore has a lot of confidence in you. That’s the reason to be proud.” “I can’t argue with you there,” Harry said. “And thanks for this,” holding up the bag with the Snackbox in it. George scoffed. “It’s very little. Seriously, Harry, anytime, whether you want a fake wand or a Deflagration Deluxe, just tell us, and it’ll be yours on the next owl. Now you all have a good day.” “And a good term,” added Fred. “Remember, Harry, no mercy for the Slytherins.” • 173 • “I’ll be reminding him of that, too” said Ginny. “
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Bye!” They said their goodbyes and left the shop. Ron suggested they head over to Florean Fortescue’s ice cream parlor, and the others agreed. As they approached the parlor, at one of the outdoor tables, they saw Neville and his grandmother. Both stood up as they saw Harry and the others heading their way. “Neville! It’s good to see you again,” said Ginny. “Hi, everyone,” said Neville cheerfully. “C’ mere, pull another table over next to this one and sit down.” They did so Mrs. Longbottom looked like her usual no-nonsense self. “I’m pleased to see you all again,” she said, politely. “Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Professor Potter.” The others smiled at Harry’s expense, knowing he would be embarrassed. To Top Deadpool Maximum Effort Shirt Harry, she said, “Would you step over here for a moment, please? I would like to have a private word with you. Unless you would like to order first.” Harry wanted to look at Neville to see whether he had any idea of
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